Recreating our Countries in Minecraft

Our Mission

Our Mission

Our Mission is to fully recreate Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein at a 1:1 scale in the video game Minecraft. One block in Minecraft equals one meter. To achieve this almost impossible goal, anyone is able to join us as Builder and contribute to the largest and most expansive build project to ever have been attempted in Minecraft.
Our Server

Our Server

Once you join our server network with the IP in the Minecraft version 1.21, you have two options: Either start building right away using the "Plot System" or visit already built areas by joining the "Terra Server". The "Plot System" is the easiest and fastest way to apply as an official Builder. If you are accepted into the Build Team as a Builder, you can build whatever you want on our open world "Terra Server".
How we do it

How we do it

We use various publicly accessible geoinformation systems, LiDAR, 360 images and drone footage to recreate any structure with the highest degree of accuracy and detail as it is possible within Minecraft. Since building at off-angles is quite different from classic Minecraft building, we also have developed a large variety of tools to make it easier to get started. Furthermore, to overcome the Minecraft height limitation we use clever server side modifications like "Cubic Chunks".